If you caught cold, had some small injury, a wasp-bite or other minor health problems, find one of the pharmacies of Lefkada. In larger villages of Lefkada pharmacies are there are many pharmacies with all the basic medical equipments and medicines you will need.
Look for flashing green crosses on the streets: all of these signs are clearly visible both day and night. If you are looking for a pharmacy, but you don’t see one, just ask the locals with the word that meens pharmacy in Greek: ‘Farmakio’. The range of products in the local pharmacies are various, there are some large pharmacies with almost every medical products (with Greek and international brands), and some smaller with basic supplies. Most of the pharmacies offer medicines, pills, high quality cosmetic products, sunblocks, disinfective gels, adhesive plasters, painkillers, etc.
Most of the pharmacies in Lefkada are open from the morning hours till night (usually from 8 am to 20 pm), but some of them in the early afternoon closes for a while and opens again at 6 pm. If you are in emergency situation, on the doors you can find witch pharmacy is on duty.
A lot of pharmacies are located on the streets of Lefkada town, especially in the center. Other pharmacies are operating in larger villages of Lefkada, so you can find pharmacies in Nidri, Karya, Lygia, Nikiana, Vasiliki, Vlicho, primarily next to the main roads.
Don’t forget that if you are very sick or your health status gets very degraded, call the emergency ambulance number of Greece: 166